I am preparing materials for a major update, especially to update the various charts showing J.W.’s far-flung offspring. Also, various family members have provided new info including, sadly, some obituaries. Please stay tuned. – Bob
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More updates and corrections (June, 2015)
Yes folks, I finally found some time to get into updating the Family Tree after a period of benign neglect. Time was available because my hard-charging wife was out of town.
NEW: You can now view or download a very large (but quite stirring!) chart of all of J.W.’s descendents in either of these formats:
— PDF file
— PNG file.
Good luck trying to print it, though. I couldn’t.
It’s been fun corresponding and talking with the likes of Sally Cooper, Sharon Yates Ewers, Silas Yates, Stephen Wells, Dan Wells, Kirstin Wells, Rita Wells and others. More corrections and updates are always welcome via email or phone.
Updates to Family Tree info (January, 2015)
I’ve recently made about 60 corrections and updates to the genealogy charts representing J.W.’s five offspring. A major source was a detailed document sent me to Cheryl Morales. I also had input from several Wells relatives. Please send any additional corrections or additions to [email protected], phone (303) 447-3400, or snail-mail 3460 4th St., Boulder CO 80304. — Bob Wells